Holding a piece of print media truly makes it feel its own, whereas digital media almost gives a sense of being just another “thing” on my phone/laptop. It’s still the same, yes, but not as personal to itself, I suppose.

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I love printed media. It heightens the experience. It’s a human extension of touch. Stamped passports, handwritten pages, magazines, it carries a different kind of intimacy.

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I love a printed menu, it elicits a much more tactile, memorable experience at a restaurant. It's one of the reasons I love fine dining because they're exciting to read, beautiful to hold and you sometimes get to take it home.

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I haven’t been to a restaurant that requires a OR code to order. If that happens I will walk out. I want to hold the menu in my hand not have to scroll through a smartphone size screen.

When it comes to reading books/newspapers/magazines, sometimes I go for the print and sometimes for the digital - just depends upon the product. With a digital copy I can underline and copy a sentence or paragraph paste it to my notes and make comments- usually non-fiction material. I can highlight a word I don’t know and get a definition.

With digital books like the one I’m serializing here on Substack I can add information, include links to relevant information, add audio and video, and animation that I never could do to my book. BTW, my book was a 2020 Readers Favorite award winner. But since I recently found Substack, I can embellish is with more information.

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